4 Ways To Stay Active During Your Sedentary Work Day

How much of your day is spent engaging in physical activity? Most of us spend eight hours a day at a desk, two to three hours a day stuck in the car, and somewhere between six to eight hours each evening in bed or lying down. Tack on another few hours sitting on the couch or at the table for a meal, and before you know it, you’ve spent most of your day sedentary. This kind of lifestyle doesn’t leave a lot of room for physical activity.

Finding ways to be more active during your workday could help you to add significantly more activity to your day, thereby helping you to live a healthier lifestyle.

 Finding the time to fit in 30 – 60 minutes of activity into your daily schedule may seem challenging on its own, but when you break down what that amount of activity does for your overall lifestyle, you have to start to ask if that is even enough! Even if you are spending 1 hour at the gym every day, it could still mean you’re in a sedentary position for the other 23 hours.

We’ve listed out a few steps for staying active during your workday. Physical therapy can help you learn a few basic activities that you can try at home, but it’s also a smart idea to start incorporating these healthy activities into your everyday office routine!

4 steps to staying active during your workday

There are many health risks associated with leading a mostly sedentary life.

When we sit for several hours a day, we are not engaging our cores, and we’re straining our necks! This means our muscles will naturally loosen. Many other serious medical conditions are associated with sitting for too long. Some of them include:

 Finding ways to stay active can be difficult regardless of your weekly schedule, but when your nine-to-five grind means sitting at a desk for 40+ hours every week, the idea of developing an active lifestyle can seem almost laughably unachievable. Thankfully, this is the opposite of the truth. There are lots of ways you can get activity in during the day, almost without even having to try!

  • Swap out your traditional desk and desk chair. There are many healthier alternatives to sitting desks, such as a standing desk, or an exercise/stability ball instead of a desk chair. When shopping for desk furniture, try looking up items that are created with ergonomics in mind as well, as these products are better for your physical health than most run of the mill office furniture items are.
  • Take a quick break every hour or so to walk around the office. This could be a great time to go and make copies, get a message to someone instead of emailing them, talk with a co-worker rather than calling them up, or to stretch your legs for a few minutes so that you can clear your mind before heading to a meeting. You could also use it as a bathroom break, too!
  • Try stretching at your desk. Without having to take your mind off your work, you can easily try breaking down a problem in your mind while standing up and stretching for a few minutes. This is a great way to get your blood and creative juices flowing, thereby actually helping you to solve issues that may leave you feeling stressed or stumped while slouching over at your desk.
  • Keep small workout equipment at your desk. This can include a lightweight dumbbell, which you can use to do some minor lifting while sitting at your desk, or even something like a resistance band. Some fun gripping devices work similarly to stress balls, helping you to work on developing a stronger grip without even standing up.

Being active throughout the workday is a great way to get started with living a more active lifestyle. Once you start incorporating activity throughout your day, you may find you have more energy to incorporate it into your non-working hours, as well. As you become more active, remember to stay hydrated to reduce your risk of muscle soreness or injury. Keeping a large water bottle on your work desk and taking regular sips throughout the day can help you to stay hydrated and energized.

Ready to get into better shape?

Staying active throughout the workday can help with improving muscle strength, supporting weight loss efforts, and even overcoming pain from stiffness that often comes along with a sedentary lifestyle. For more advice on how to stay more active throughout the day, consult with a physical therapist at Dynamic Physical Therapy. They’ll be able to take a closer look at what your everyday lifestyle looks like, and make suggestions on how to improve your routine to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle.


5 Ways to End Your Chronic Back Pain

Have you noticed that your back pain has gotten worse over the years? Is it getting in the way of your normal routines and becoming more than you can manage? Few problems can render a person’s ability to move and fulfill basic needs like chronic back pain can!

If you suffer from chronic back pain, you’re certainly not alone. According to a division of the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic back pain.

Chronic pain presents numerous challenges for people of all ages and backgrounds. While traditional approaches involve the use of painkillers and surgery, there are safer alternatives such as physical therapy. Physical therapy may alleviate pain symptoms while also providing significant benefits!

If you’re struggling with back pain, call Dynamic Physical Therapy today to learn more about our non-invasive treatment options.

What is chronic back pain?

Chronic back pain refers to pain that lasts more than three months. It is a progressive pain that gradually worsens with time and basic daily activities. Back pain can be caused by several factors.

However, most people can recover from back pain by understanding exactly what happened to cause it and avoiding those kinds of improper movements in the future, however, not every case of back pain is the same, especially those that do not derive from an isolated event, such as a car accident.

Causes of chronic back pain 

The Mayo Clinic states that those with poor posture, bulging or herniated discs, arthritis, skeletal irregularities, and osteoporosis may suffer from chronic back pain more often than others. Other factors such as age, weight, poor lifting practices, and even mental health conditions can also increase an individual’s risk for back pain. It only takes one injury for a condition to persist into the realm of long-term problems. Chronic back pain can be felt all over the back, or in just an isolated area such as the lumbar region, mid-back, or upper back area.

Chronic back pain may arise from two issues, including a sudden, traumatic injury or repetitive stress on the vertebrae. Pain includes sensations, such as a prick, burn, tingle, sting, sharp pain, and aches. Acute pain is typically an expected bodily response to a severe injury. However, the repeated use of joints after an inflammatory response may lead to the worsening of symptoms and disease progression, explains the NINDS.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Back Pain

According to Move Forward PT, most government agencies (including the CDC) now recommend the use of non-invasive treatments, such as physical therapy, before medication or surgical management of chronic pain, including chronic back pain.

Choosing physical therapy for initial treatment is quickly becoming the most popular and well-recommended means of managing chronic pain! This is because physical therapy not only relieves painful symptoms, but also pinpoints the underlying causes of pain, and improves joint health. Five ways that physical therapy treatment can manage or alleviate  chronic back pain are as follows:

  1. Passive and active exercises can restore range of motion. Physical therapy involves both passive and active exercises to promote healing.  Range of motion exercises prevent joints from becoming fixed, allowing a person to move more with less pain over time. Passive motion exercises can help you if you’re in too much pain to move a joint on your own.
  2. Decreases inflammation. As the joint begins to improve in health, inflammatory responses decrease, resulting in less pain.
  3. Improves circulation to the affected area. The better the circulation is to the affected area, the faster healing can take place. It also ensures the joint has plenty of nutrients to repair itself.
  4. Education to prevent worsening or recurrence of condition/symptoms. Understanding the causes of back pain and how to prevent it, such as maintaining proper posture and avoiding improper lifting techniques, can reduce your risk of chronic back pain.
  5. Increases overall muscle strength. A physical therapist will work with you to develop an exercise regimen that is safe and effective for joint health, muscle strength, and endurance. This provides a protective effect and prevents back pain.

Want to kiss chronic back pain goodbye?

Chronic back pain can be debilitating. Trying to continue to live your life on your terms whilst being held back by movement restrictions due to pain is frustrating. Those living with chronic back pain should consider giving physical therapy a try first instead of opting for costly, painful, and invasive treatments, or risking opioid addiction.

To learn more about how you can achieve a pain-free life through physical therapy, contact Dynamic Physical Therapy today to schedule an appointment.


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