COVID-19 Updates

Face Coverings Now Required at ALL Appointments:

In accordance with a new state mandate, patients over 8 years old will be required to wear a face covering to all appointments at Dynamic Physical Therapy, and at all times while in the building beginning Monday, July 13th. The government mandate also requires a face covering to be worn during exercise if it can be worn safely.

If you are not able to safely wear a face mask/covering while exercising or you have a medical condition that makes it unsafe for you to wear a face covering, we will not mandate that you do so, but you must adhere to social distancing guidelines.

We look forward to helping you get well while following these new state mandates regarding therapy. We appreciate your understanding & support during these challenging times.

Dynamic Physical Therapy Team

Tele-Health Now Available at Dynamic Physical Therapy:

Dynamic  Physical Therapy is now offering PT Tele-Health based on guidelines by federal, state, and insurance providers. This service is quickly becoming available through more insurance providers and we will be updating both physicians and patients as this program expands. 

Why Telehealth?
In an effort to comply with the orders issued by our Governor, we have decided to aggressively limit in-person Physical Therapy visits to essential diagnosis only. Our efforts are geared at minimizing the risk of spreading the Virus while assuring continuity of patient care.

We will be transitioning most of our patients to virtual visits using our phones, tablets or computers. This may feel awkward or weird at first but with us working together, we feel we can provide a treatment session that will be worthy of our Dynamic Name. Although a virtual or Tele-Health visit could not replace an in-person visit, our hopes are to offer this interim tool to help you on your journey to “Get Well” until we can again meet face to face.

What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is a virtual visit with real-time live video communication, instruction, and treatment between a therapist and a patient. Telehealth allows our therapists to treat you in your home for most treatments and will help maintain your health and safety during this time.

The safety of our patients and staff will always be our top priority. We are committed to taking extra measures to ensure the safety of our community while providing physical therapy services with an abundance of caution. For this reason, we have decided to take additional measures regarding in-person appointments.

To maximize client and staff safety and minimize exposure, we will be implementing the following guidelines:

  • One hour blocks in individual treatment rooms available if requested – determined by clinicians (which is approximately 10% of our current patients).
  • Controlled check in procedures. Staggered arrival and departure for appointments to minimize exposure to other patients.
  • One hour physical therapy blocks with no overlap in appointment times.
  • Dynamic patients and staff will sanitize at arrival and departure of each visit.

Here are some other precautionary measures we are taking:

  • Staff & Patient Screening:
    All Dynamic staff has been trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of the virus. Staff will be doing daily screenings to ensure they are exhibiting any symptoms of the virus, and will be screening all patients to reduce potential risk of exposure to patients and staff.
  • Enhanced Cleaning Protocols:
    Our entire team is doing additional wipe-downs and cleanings in all areas of the clinic several times each day, focusing especially on high-touch point areas and surfaces (like equipment, door handles, faucet handles, counter tops, and arms of chairs to name a few). We have provided hand sanitizer in the clinic for both staff and patient use.
  • Patient Notices:
    We encourage anyone that is experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath, and/or respiratory illness symptoms and have traveled recently or know someone that may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your primary care physician.

If you are experiencing any of these symptons, the CDC recommends you:

  • avoid all contact with others.
  • do not travel on public transit.
  • cover your nose and mouth with your sleeve or tissue when sneezing or coughing and wash your hands immediately after.
  • wash your hands often with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds).
  • use hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol) if no soap and water is available to clean your hands.

COVID-19 Update:

At Dynamic Physical Therapy the health and safety of our patients is our top priority. We have always gone to great lengths to ensure that our clinics meet the highest level of standards in cleanliness. At this time we have implemented additional precautionary measures to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

  • Our entire team is doing additional wipe-downs and cleanings in all areas of the clinic several times each day, focusing especially on high-touch point areas & surfaces like equipment, door handles, faucet handles, counter tops, and arms of chairs to name a few.
  • Hand sanitizer dispensers are available in the clinic for staff and patient use.
  • Treatments in a private room available upon request to accommodate high-risk patients. Please speak with your therapist about any concerns.

In addition, we’re asking for your support in our efforts. There are simple steps you can take to help keep Dynamic Physical Therapy a clean & healthy facility.

  • Please wash hands thoroughly and often, following the CDC’s recommended guidelines. For more information see:
  • Practice respiratory etiquette (covering when coughing/sneezing then taking proper sanitizing measures)
  • If you’re feeling sick with any illness that presents with a fever please call to cancel your appointment. Please do not attend PT appointments until you have been free of fever for a period of 24 hours. (Fever-free is defined as having a temperature of under 100 degrees without the use of fever-reducing medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.)

There is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of our patients and employees, which is why we are committed to taking these extra measures out of an abundance of caution. Although not anticipated, we will communicate any additional actions or protocols to our patients as needed. We thank you for being a patient of Dynamic Physical Therapy and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

Dynamic Physical Therapy Team

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